Category: SEO
Guides and tools of the trade for improving search engine rankings. Discover practical tips for doing SEO with a WordPress hosting, PrestaShop, Magento, Joomla or other CMS hosting.
How to Use Yoast SEO for WordPress
Yoast SEO is one of the most powerful tools for optimizing WordPress websites. Whether you’re new to SEO or looking to refine your strategy, this…
The 6 Best SEO Plugins for WordPress
If you want your site to perform well on search results pages, you need to take your SEO seriously. The easiest way to manage that…
The Complete Guide to Mastering Bing Webmaster Tools in 2024
Bing is the second-largest search engine in the world. It doesn’t get the same amount of traffic as Google search, but who’s going to turn…
Joomla SEO: all you need to know
Are you looking for Joomla SEO tips and best practices? In this guide, we’ve gathered practical tips that you can implement on your site. Before starting, we need…
PrestaShop SEO: a practical guide to shop optimization
What is SEO with PrestaShop? What are the aspects you’d need to consider if you want to optimize your store and reach the top positions…
Robots.txt file: all you need to know
Do you want to know what the robots.txt file is and if it might be useful to have one on your site? In this article…
Rel canonical: how to use the tag without errors
Have you heard of canonical rel tags, but don’t know exactly what they are for or how they fit in? In this in-depth guide we…
Google penalty: what is and how to recover
In this guide we shed light on every website owner’s nightmare: Google penalization. Why does Google penalize sites that violate regulations? What are the violations…
Core Web Vitals and ranking correlation
We analyzed more than 60,000 search results with the goal of answering these questions: This study took more than a month to complete. Let’s see…
Introductory guide to link building
What is the purpose of link building? Why does Google place such importance on inbound links to a website? What are the search engine guidelines…
SEO domain change: case study
In this article, SEO domain change: case study, we are going to see how to perform a domain change without losing ranking and without losing…
What is SEO? SEO meaning and eplaination
In this introductory guide, What is SEO? SEO meaning and explanation, we are going to look at what SEO is and the meaning of the…
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