Category: SEO
Guides and tools of the trade for improving search engine rankings. Discover practical tips for doing SEO with a WordPress hosting, PrestaShop, Magento, Joomla or other CMS hosting.
Image optimization seo: definitive guide
In a search engine optimization strategy for your site, you must also consider the importance of optimizing images for SEO. Incorporating relevant images improves the…
301 redirect: the definitive guide
In this article, 301 redirect: the definitive guide, we will see what 301redirects are used for and find out why they are crucial for SEO.…
Sitemap: definitive guide
In this article, Sitemap: the definitive guide, we will see what a sitemap is and how it can be useful in terms of SEO. We…
How to use html headings for SEO
The H1 Tag is used to identify the title of the page or an article, we can consider it a header that gives a user…
How to perform a SEO audit of your website
Over the years we have done SEO (search engine optimization) audits for our clients and also for our own projects. We have read all the…
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