Supporthost Discount

Domains and hosting promos

We have some active promos at the moment, check the promo page!

Terms of service

To complete your order the following terms of service and all documents listed here must be accepted:

Acceptable use of our service

Terms applicable to affiliates

Service level agreement

We take the Customer’s privacy seriously, and we definitely will not sell their personal information to any third party (except a possible company that might buy or take over SupportHost OÜ).

Subject matter and scope

These Terms of Service are rendered for the website https://supporthost.com/ (Site) owned by SupportHost OÜ with the registered office at Ahtri tn 12, Tallinn, 10151, Estonia, (SupportHost or Seller).

Art. 1. Definitions

The following definitions apply to these General Terms and Conditions:

Client: the natural person or legal entity that has purchased the Services offered for sale by SupportHost.

Consumer: natural person acting for purposes unrelated to the business, commercial, craft (2) or professional activity;

Professional customer: a natural or legal person acting in the exercise of his entrepreneurial, commercial, craft (3) or professional activity, or an intermediary thereof;

Consumer Code: Legislative Decree no. 206 of 6 September 2005.

Privacy Code: Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 on the protection of personal data.

GDPR: the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

Parties: SupportHost and the Customer.

Services: the services offered by SupportHost to the Client, as described on the website and governed by these General Terms and Conditions. 

Shared service: hosting in which a single server is used to host a plurality of websites belonging to different owners. 

Dedicated service: hosting in which a single server is dedicated to hosting a single website or several websites of a single owner.

Website: www.supporthost.com 

User: any person, natural or legal, who uses the Services, including those who use the Services on behalf of the Customer (by way of example: employees or collaborators of the Customer).

Art. 2. The service we provide

In exchange for the fees that you pay in advance, we will host your website on one or more servers as long as you comply with the terms and conditions of use that are expressed on this page, and any other agreement related to the service that we provide.

We provide the service according to the specifications described in the hosting plans that the Customer selects during the registration process.

We are committed to keeping our prices the same over time. There may be times when, due to increased rates from our providers, we are forced to change the price, eventually charging the end customer with the increased price. In this case, we will maintain the previous level of service until the end of the paid period. We will notify the customer 30 days prior to the renewal date of any updated price, the customer will have time until the expiration date to notify us of their desire to terminate the service.

We reserve the right to immediately terminate the service if you violate these terms of service and any related policies. The contractual relationship is based on mutual trust and satisfaction. Should this not be the case, we will notify you at least 15 days before the renewal date, indicating that you will not be able to renew the service or purchase a new service. In this case, the customer will have the opportunity to make a backup to move the website elsewhere. An invoice for the renewal will not be sent, and if sent it will be cancelled.

For clarity, on this page, the term ‘services’ refers to the various services that SupportHost OÜ provides to the Customer and, if it is an affiliate, the services it provides related to the affiliate program. The term SupportHost or we refers to SupportHost OÜ.

Art. 3. Permission to host your content

In order for us to host a Customer’s website, it is necessary for the Customer to upload its content and files to our servers. When you upload your files, you are creating one or more copies of your content on our systems.

By purchasing a hosting service from us, you acknowledge that these copies will be made, and you give us permission (a license) to maintain these copies on our servers and to make them available to Internet users.

The Customer is solely responsible for providing all content and other data that make up its website.

Art. 4. Personal Information

When you order our services your personal information, including your credit card information, is transmitted through the use of Secure Socket Layer technology in an encrypted manner.

We take Customer privacy seriously, we will not sell your personal information to any third party (other than a possible company that may purchase or take over SupportHost OÜ).

The Customer agrees to be called by a SupportHost OÜ representative at the telephone number specified by the Customer during registration, or to be contacted by e-mail for important information regarding SupportHost products or services.

Art. 5. Activation of the service

All orders are automatically checked by an anti-fraud system (maxmind).

If an order is reported as fraudulent, we will ask the customer for a copy of an identity document to check the accuracy of the data (first name, last name, address. We reserve the right to ask for additional information) entered during the order.

  • If the data entered is true, we will delete the document from our systems and proceed to manually activate the order.
  • If the details do not match, we will delete all the account details, including the copy of your ID.

The document must be written in Roman characters, we cannot check documents written in other characters.

We reserve the right not to activate the service in those cases in which:

  • Customer has requested a warranty refund in the past
  • The data isn’t real or we suspect it isn’t.
  • The customer has defaulted in the past

In some cases a dedicated server may be available during the order but not available in the datacenter during activation. In this case we will add the amount paid as user credit and the customer can choose another available server.

In some cases a domain may be unavailable at the time of registration, or premium. In these cases we can proceed with a refund to the user credit or payment method used, or with a price update on the invoice, according to the customer’s preferences.

A customer can order a maximum of one trial plan per category (shared hosting, semi-dedicated hosting, reseller hosting). We will not accept multiple orders for trial plans.

Art. 6. Backup Service

We provide an automatic backup service to our Customers. We maintain the last 30 days of backup for each account (or sub account in the case of reseller hosting plans).

However, we are not and cannot be held responsible for a problem related to a corrupt or incomplete backup. We therefore recommend that all Customers maintain their own local backups.

Shared Services customers have access to a control panel that will allow them to restore a backup in complete autonomy. If the customer wants us to take care of the restore the operation has a cost listed in our price list. Backups for shared services are provided via jetbackup.

Dedicated service customers can purchase an additional service called “Disaster Recovery” which grants them access to a control panel to restore their backups. The number of backups maintained is decided together with the customer based on the space purchased for “Disaster Recovery”. We can perform the restore from backup at a cost listed in our price list. If this service is not purchased, we still perform backups, in this case there is no access to the restore control panel and the operation has a cost listed in our price list. If a “Disaster Recovery” solution is not purchased we cannot guarantee 30 days of backup for dedicated services, in this case the backup service will be in “best effort”. Backups for dedicated services are provided through r1soft (it is possible to have jetbackup for an additional fee).

We do what we can, but we cannot guarantee the integrity of the backups, the customer is solely responsible for the integrity of their data.

Art. 7. Satisfaction Guarantee

As we explain in this paragraph we offer the Customer a ‘Money Back Guarantee’ (the number of days is indicated on the relevant website) along with all other information about our hosting plans.

Here’s how cancellation works. If you delete your account we will refund the amount you paid, excluding any fees shown below.

If your plan has not been deactivated as a result of the refund, you will not be entitled to any support unless the plan amount plus the refund transaction costs are paid again.

Costs for domain registration or transfer (even if it was a free domain purchased through a promotion), dedicated IP, SSL certificate, SSL certificate installation, installation or activation of scripts or service of any kind, sitelock, ssh access, VPS, cloud or other dedicated solutions, software licenses, costs related to website migration are not refundable.

The registration fee for each domain is equal to their activation cost.

The only way to obtain a refund is to open a ticket on the administration, this request must be made within 30 days from the date of purchase, the date of the request, in no case will be taken into account the date of cancellation if the customer has requested the cancellation from the client area. Cancellation requests are not reviewed manually, so if we do not receive the request via ticket, we assume that the customer does not want to request a refund.

The money back guarantee is void in all cases where our terms are violated, which you can view on our website, and in all cases where the terms of service are not respected.

The 30 days are from the date of the first purchase. This guarantee is not available in the case of renewed services.

This guarantee is only valid for the first purchase. A Customer who already has service with us will not be able to claim the guarantee for subsequent purchases, even if these are made through a different account in the client area.

Under no circumstances can you receive a refund for a renewed service.

Art. 8. Right of withdrawal for consumers

The consumer customer, by law, in distance contracts or contracts concluded away from business premises has a period of 14 days to exercise the right of withdrawal.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, the consumer must contact the supplier within 14 days of signing the contract, expressing his desire to withdraw.

The supplier will have a further 14 days from the notice of withdrawal to refund the amount due to the consumer.

However, it is understood that the supplier will be entitled to retain the amount corresponding to the services already performed at the time of withdrawal and the amounts indicated in the Satisfied or Refunded Section and that the right of withdrawal is effective only for the first activation of the contract and not for each subsequent single renewal. 

With reference to services, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised by the Customer/Consumer after the service has been fully provided. In fact, with the conclusion of the contract the Customer/Consumer has expressly agreed to lose the right of withdrawal following the full performance of the service by the supplier. By way of example only, the Customer acknowledges that the start of the procedure for registering a domain name, such as the activation of email accounts, as well as any other service in which the provider has proceeded to make the request to the various competent Registration Authorities and/or third party providers, are equivalent to “full provision of the service” pursuant to Article 59, paragraph 1, letter a) of Legislative Decree 206/2005.

Art. 9. Guaranteed Fast support

We guarantee a quick response by email (within 8 business hours) or we refund the current month’s hosting money so that the Client does not have to pay for that month.

This does not mean that we will resolve your issue within 8 hours, but that you will receive a quick response from one of our operators. Unfortunately some problems need more time to be resolved and we cannot guarantee a maximum time for their resolution.

Our offices hours are:

Mon-Fri: 09:00-12:00 14:00-18:00 (CET)

Despite these office hours we make sure that we always have an operator connected at any time of the day, in fact 99% of the time you will receive your answers by email even at night and on holidays.

The servers are constantly monitored by at least one systems engineer, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to ensure their complete and continuous functionality.

Fast support is only guaranteed in those cases where the ticket is opened via our client area, after logging in, and to the support department. We do not guarantee response times for other requests.

Before requesting support, the customer is required to create a backup copy and keep it on their local computer. SupportHost assumes no responsibility for loss of data due to intervention by our technicians.

Art. 10. Ticket abuse

We always treat our Customers with the utmost respect, and we expect our Customers to treat our operators in the same way.

If a member of our staff feels that the Customer is being rude or unfair we reserve the right to suspend the Customer’s account and ask the Customer to use another hosting service.

In the event that we decide to terminate the service we will give the Customer 10 days notice to allow time to find a new hosting service. During this period we will not provide any kind of support. In this case there is no refund of any kind.

We encourage Customers to open only one ticket per issue. Opening multiple tickets slows down our support staff. Whenever we see that multiple tickets have been opened by the same Customer for the same problem, we will stop support for 24 hours, removing all Customer support requests without providing a response. In the event that the Customer continues to open new tickets despite the block, we reserve the right to terminate the Customer’s account with 10 days notice, as described in the previous paragraph.

Art. 11. Transfer promotion

We will make every effort to transfer the customer’s website without error or loss of data. It is the customer’s responsibility to make a full backup of their website and to keep this backup on their local computer. We accept no responsibility for the loss of data during the transfer, whatever the cause of such loss.

In order to participate in the promotion that provides a discount on the service, and the migration of the files by our hand, it is necessary to open a ticket by providing us with the access data to the provider, before or after purchasing the plan. In some cases, we can open it automatically, so you just have to answer our request.

This request must be sent within 7 days from the order date. The process of transferring files and databases will be handled manually, so it will be necessary to make arrangements with one of our operators via ticket, who will complete everything. The same applies to the email transfer service, all access data must be provider within 7 days from the order date.

The transfer, depending on the case, may have costs, which will be indicated by our operators at the time of making arrangements with the customer. In order for us to carry out the transfer of your website in time, the Customer must send us the access data to the provider within 8 hours of the order by ticket.

The time it takes to transfer depends on the size of the account, the number of transfers in the queue, and any issues we may encounter while making a backup using the outgoing provider’s service. We will do our best to complete the process in 24-48 hours but cannot guarantee a maximum time since some factors are beyond our control.

If the customer wishes to schedule the migration at a pre-determined time we will require the payment of a fee listed in our price list.

As for the discount, it will be credited in the user credit, in a manual way, after the completion of the domain transfer. You need to request it by contacting our support within 7 days from the date of completion of the domain transfer. The promotion does not apply to dedicated services.

Where possible we will move the expiry date, otherwise we will apply a credit in the user’s account equivalent to the number of months they should receive a free gift.

The promotion is valid only for plans with annual payment (or longer period).

The following conditions must be met in order to perform the free migration from cPanel to cPanel:

  • The provider must have the backup function active with the ability to upload the backup to an external FTP server.
  • The main domain must match (old and new cPanel).

All we will do is copy the old cPanel account to one of our servers.

If we cannot proceed with the transfer from cPanel to cPanel we will have to do it manually, manual transfer only involves transferring one script and one database. Additional operations will be billed separately.

Art. 11.1. Hosting reseller

In the case of reseller hosting we transfer a number of accounts equal to those indicated on the sales page if the old provider has cPanel with the native backup feature active.

Otherwise we are forced to transfer the websites manually, in this case we will perform the transfer of only one website (one script and one database).

The promotion is valid only if a plan is purchased with an annual payment or longer period.

Transfers must be requested within the first 30 days of the purchase date.

Art. 12. Payments

As soon as the Customer signs up, their account will be activated with automatic renewal. This means that when the renewal date arrives, the hosting plan and domain will be renewed. The renewal date varies depending on the payment period. If the Customer wishes this not to occur, and does not want to renew their account, they must cancel the service before the next invoice is sent.

You can cancel the service directly from the client area, even after an invoice has been issued, if it has not yet been paid. If you do not wish to renew it is mandatory to cancel before the invoice is sent. Invoices are sent a few days in advance, the number of days depends on the billing cycle. the exact days are indicated below.

If the Customer has any questions about when the renewal date is, they can log in to the client area and check or contact us. The renewal date of his account is always shown in the client area.

Invoices for renewals will be issued 15 days in advance for monthly plans, 21 days in advance for semi-annual plans and 30 days in advance for annual plans and longer periods. If a payment method exists, the system will attempt to get the payment 7 days before expiry (14 days in case of SEPA payment to avoid the epiration of the service due to the long processing time). If not possible, the system will try again once a day until the invoice is paid.

You can request an early invoice via ticket in case you want to renew before these deadlines.

Art. 12.1. Domains

Domains are taken offline by the registrar the day after expiration. A domain that is not paid on time will be offline the next day.

Domains are put into a grace period first, and a redemption period before they expire completely. The number of days that must pass before a domain is put into these states depends on its extent.

A domain that enters its redemption period is considered deleted and additional costs must be incurred for its recovery.

It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the domain has been renewed after payment. We send an automated confirmation email to notify the customer that the domain has been renewed. If the customer does not receive this email within 24 hours of receiving payment they should contact us via ticket for a manual check. We cannot take responsibility for the expiration of a domain if the customer does not make this check.

Art. 12.2. Shared Services

If more than 5 days have passed since the billing date of the hosting services and we have not received full payment, your account will be suspended, which means that your data, files and website and any other services you have with us will no longer be accessible.

If within the next 25 days the Customer pays the amount due, we will reactivate the account and all data, files and website will be available immediately. We reserve the right to suspend an account in those cases where there are unpaid invoices in the Customer’s account. We will only reactivate the account once payment has been received. Depending on the case, the system may apply a late fee, which our operators cannot eliminate.

If a further 25 days pass from the date on which the Client’s account has been suspended and he has not made payment in full, SupportHost OÜ is entitled to delete all files he has uploaded to the server.

To recap, if the Client is 30 days late on payment their files will be deleted. The Customer acknowledges that this is our policy on data retention, and waives all rights to their data in these situations.

In some cases we can recover a terminated account, this operation has a cost listed in our price list.

Art. 12.3. Dedicated services

Dedicated services include VPS, cloud plans and dedicated servers. We will issue the invoice with the same deadlines.

In case of late payment the service will be suspended at 07 AM CET the day after the expiry date. We reserve the right to keep the service online a few extra days, but we cannot guarantee it.

If payment is not received by the due date, we will apply a reactivation fee listed in our price list.

On the tenth day of delay, the service will be terminated, and all data will be lost.

In the event that the service is deleted we do not guarantee the possibility of recovery of customer data contained therein.

Art. 12.4. Certified email

For the Certified Email service, we will issue the invoice with the same deadlines.

In case of late payment, the service will be suspended 5 days after the deadline. 30 days after the deadline we will terminate it and we will cancel the invoice.

Is it possible to recover a Certified email up to 6 months after its deadline.

Recovering an expired Certified Email has an additional cost as indicated in our price list.

Art. 13. Transfer of a domain

In the event that a customer transfers a domain elsewhere we will proceed to delete the linked hosting plan (if any).

Art. 14. Free domain

Some of our plans include the registration, transfer or renewal of a domain for free. The promotion is valid only if the domain is purchased at the same time as the plan. It will not be possible to change the domain, or have the domain free in the future.

In addition, if you already have a domain or hosting plan with us, you will not be able to participate in the promotion unless you wish to purchase a new hosting plan with a new domain.

In some cases the system will disconnect the domain from your hosting plan, such as (but not limited to) if you renew the domain manually from the client area, if the plan is suspended due to a delay, if you switch from an annual payment to a monthly payment, if the customer disables the automatic domain renewal, etc…

We have a zero-tolerance policy on copyright infringement

We may, in appropriate circumstances and at our complete discretion, disable and/or terminate the account of copyright infringers. If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that infringes copyright, or your intellectual property rights have been violated in any way, you must provide us with the following information:

An electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property;

A description of the work that was violated;

A description of where within the website the material that was infringed is located;

His address, phone number, and e-mail address;

A statement that the material used is being used in a manner not authorized by copyright or law;

A statement that the above information is accurate and that he is the copyright owner or person authorized to act.

Art. 16. Cases of suspension and interruption of service

In addition to the cases described above, SupportHost OÜ reserves the right to suspend or interrupt the service at any time and without prior notice:

  • In cases where SupportHost in its sole discretion believes that the customer has violated the terms of service and our Acceptable Use Policy and Service Level Agreement
  • In the event of failure of the network or equipment on which the provision of the service depends
  • in the event of non-programmable and essential maintenance
  • in case of failures or malfunctions
  • in the case of justified security or confidentiality reasons
  • in case of faults that could endanger the network, equipment or people

In the event that an account is compromised we will proceed to suspend the account and notify the customer via email, stating the reason. We will only give access to the account to the IP of the Customer/WebMaster so that we can fix the problem before we can put the website back online.

Art. 17. Limitations of liability of SupportHost OÜ

The Customer acknowledges and recognises that the input of information into the space and the subsequent dissemination of the same in the internet network, through the Services of SupportHost OÜ, are carried out exclusively at their own risk. The Customer acknowledges that the internet network is not controlled by SupportHost OÜ and that, due to its peculiar structure, no public or private entity and not even SupportHost OÜ is able to guarantee and monitor the performance and functionality of the network branches and to control the contents of the information that is transmitted through its network. For this reason, the Customer acknowledges and accepts that no responsibility can be attributed to SupportHost OÜ for the transmission or receipt of illegal information of any kind. The Customer agrees to indemnify SupportHost OÜ for any liability action that may be made by Third Parties in relation to violations of national or international laws carried out by the Customer. The Customer shall bear all costs, damages and charges, including any legal fees, that may arise from such liability actions and undertakes to inform SupportHost OÜ if such a liability action should be initiated against it.

It is understood that SupportHost OÜ does not provide any guarantee either to the Customer or to Third Parties that the Service is perfectly suited to particular purposes. No responsibility may be attributed to it if the provision of the Service, with the precise characteristics required by the Customer, is conditional on the actions of the third party (by way of example but not limited to: SupportHost OÜ’s suppliers).

The Client, relieving SupportHost OÜ of any relevant responsibility, acknowledges and accepts that:

  • the use of services provided in collaboration with other infrastructures (national and international) is limited to the boundaries and rules established by the managers of such services, as well as by the laws in force in the countries hosting such services and by the relevant international laws;
  • Technical interruptions of services due to failures and malfunctions of machines and software, whether owned by SupportHost OÜ or its suppliers, are always possible;
  • the very nature of Internet services, in which many entities are involved, does not allow us to provide any guarantee with regard to the constant usability of the service and/or the possibility of reaching any web space from all over the world and/or the transmission and reception of information and/or the delivery and reception of mail messages, let alone guarantee the confidentiality and privacy of the same;
  • the actual speed of the Internet connection depends on the degree of network congestion, the quality of the access network and the Customer’s equipment, SupportHost OÜ is therefore unable to guarantee the actual achievement of the nominal speed;
  • the use of internet services to other nodes of the internet network, not in the management of SupportHost OÜ, will be subject to the limitations and responsibilities established by each service provider and must be carried out in accordance with the laws in force in the countries hosting these nodes and services, with the international legislation in this area, and with the regulations of use of the networks and nodes concerned.

SupportHost OÜ is committed to ensuring the best functionality of the system, but does not assume any responsibility towards its Customers or Third Parties for delays, malfunctions, suspension and/or interruption in the provision of the Service caused by causes not attributable to it, such as but not limited to:

  • unforeseeable circumstances, catastrophic events and force majeure;
  • fact of the third party (by way of example but not limited to: unauthorized publication by third parties of texts entered by the Customer in any messaging area, public or private);
  • malfunctioning or non-conformity of the connection devices with which the Customer is equipped or, in any case, of those used by him/her;
  • tampering with or intervention in the services or equipment carried out by the Client or by Third Parties not authorised by SupportHost OÜ;
  • incorrect use or non-compliant use of the Service by the Customer, to these Terms and Conditions of Use, or otherwise failure of the Customer to comply;
  • failures and malfunctions of machines and software, whether owned by SupportHost OÜ or its suppliers.

It is understood that in such cases, SupportHost OÜ shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury suffered by the Customer and/or Third Parties, whether direct or indirect, foreseeable or unforeseeable, including but not limited to economic/financial losses, business, revenues and profits and/or commercial goodwill; therefore, the Customer acknowledges and accepts that it shall have no claim against SupportHost OÜ for compensation, indemnity, reimbursement or any other reason.

Art. 18. Managed Dedicated Services

Dedicated managed services include VPS, Cloud plans and dedicated servers with a managed contract and include support from us.

The root password is not provided to the Customer, but can be requested via ticket. A valid reason will be required before providing the root password to the Customer. Some operations performed by the Customer may invalidate the “Managed” contract and support may be billed (upon agreement) as described in the paid services section.

Support is limited to what is described in this section.

  • Hardware management, monitoring and replacement.
  • Network Availability.
  • Free installation of the control panel at the time of purchase.
  • Optimization of the control panel and operating system at the time of activation.
  • Securing the VPS on activation.
  • Free migration of 10 accounts if the control panel matches the activation.
  • Management of all aspects of the operating system, support and troubleshooting related to the operating system and standard control panel components.


  • Initial installation.
  • Initial service optimization.
  • Version upgrade/downgrade (note: EDGE build is not supported).
  • Repair.
  • License.
  • troubleshooting automatic updates.

Email services

  • Upgrade/reinstallation exim MTA.
  • Upgrade/reinstall courier-imap POP3 and IMAP service.
  • Install/upgrade/reinstall/uninstall SpamAssassin.
  • Install/upgrade/reinstall/uninstall ClamAV antivirus.
  • Troubleshoot and repair email delivery issues (note: issues due to third-party services are not supported).
  • Horde/IMP and Squirrelmail webmail troubleshooting.

Web service

  • Apache web server recompilation.
  • PHP upgrade or recompilation with additional modules/options supported directly from cPanel.
  • Edit PHP configuration.
  • Installing/upgrading/removing ionCube.
  • Installing/updating/deleting Zend Optimizer.
  • Install/upgrade/delete and Accelerator.
  • Apache/PHP troubleshooting and repair and possible configuration (note: custom configurations are not supported).


  • MySQL version upgrade.
  • Repair MySQL installation.
  • MySQL database repair/optimization.
  • Troubleshoot problems with MySQL startup or connectivity.


  • Named repair/reinstallation.
  • Named configuration and troubleshooting.

FTP service

  • Upgrade re-installing proftpd or pure-ftpd FTP server.
  • Switching between pure-ftpd and proftpd.
  • FTP service configuration and troubleshooting (note: custom configuration rules and custom FTP forms are not supported).

Art. 19. Paid services

The free support refers only to services (or possible failures) related to the server or its configurations. We do not provide free support for customizations, support for third-party scripts or other. We will however be available for a quote based on the type of work to be performed.

All our prices are listed in our price list.

Art. 20. Jurisdiction and applicable law

The law of the Republic of Estonia shall apply to all contracts governed by these general terms and conditions of sale. The Tallinn Court of Law shall be the place of jurisdiction for settling disputes concerning the interpretation, execution or termination of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale. In the event that the customer is a consumer, the law and the jurisdiction of the consumer’s domicile shall apply, as per law. These terms and conditions may change

Given our evolving, and ever-changing nature in the world of web hosting, these terms and conditions of use may change. We will update these terms and conditions of use, and your continued use of the services means you accept the changes we have applied.

In cases where we are going to make substantial changes, instead of minor changes we will send a communication via email.

Art. 21. Acceptance of terms and conditions of use

This agreement becomes effective at the time the Customer submits the order or opens an account for one of our services of any kind. If one of our Customers does not agree with these terms, he/she may cancel his/her account, or contact the administration for cancellation of his/her account. Otherwise, if he signs up for or continues to use our services, he agrees to the above. If you have any questions regarding the terms of service, feel free to contact us for clarification.

By using our services, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to all of the above terms, and all terms contained on the relevant page on our website.

Try one of our hosting plans for free and without obligation for 14 days. No payment information required!