Welcome to SupportHost blog. With our guides, you will learn how to get the most out of your WordPress hosting and other major CMS. You will also discover the possibilities of use and potential of shared hosting, VPS cloud and dedicated servers.
503 error: How to solve
Among the errors that can prevent us from browsing the internet and that can appear on our website is error 503. This problem is usually…
Introductory guide to link building
What is the purpose of link building? Why does Google place such importance on inbound links to a website? What are the search engine guidelines…
How to solve err_connection_timed_out
One of the errors you may run into while browsing is err_connection_timed_out. This warning message appears when a site takes too long to respond, but…
Godaddy alternative
If you’re looking for an alternative to GoDaddy to host your website then you’ve arrived at the right place. Even though some people say that…
The best YouTube alternatives
YouTube is one of the most widely used platforms in the world, however, there are some good alternatives to YouTube that not everyone knows about.…
If you have a website and even if you have installed the SSL certificate, it is possible that your users will run into the ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID…
How to sell online: the complete guide
Nowadays, the question how to sell online, does not deserve an obvious answer. More and more people are deciding to shop online, and the numbers…
What is cloud and how does it work?
What exactly is meant by cloud and what kind of services take advantage of this technology? In this article, What is cloud and how does…
How to fix err_too_many_redirects
When there are too many redirects or setting redirects, this creates a cycle of redirects (loop), an error message known as err_too_many_redirects may appear, preventing…
Pingdom: the definitive guide
Pingdom Website Speed Test is among the most popular tools for analyzing the speed of a website. Like GTmetrix, Pingdom provides a free tool and…
How to create a website
Whether you have decided to create a business site, personal site, blog or landing page, there is always the same question on your mind, “How…
SSHRC: how to bring your aliases everywhere
If you use Linux, you definitely use aliases, which are shortcuts in the terminal. These aliases are very convenient and speed up the job of…
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