Welcome to SupportHost blog. With our guides, you will learn how to get the most out of your WordPress hosting and other major CMS. You will also discover the possibilities of use and potential of shared hosting, VPS cloud and dedicated servers.
Social media icons: what’s the best position?
Social networks nowadays are essential for every person, in fact, we live with our smartphones glued to our hands. Each of us reads and shares…
MX backup: pros and cons
Let’s find out what an MX backup is for and why it’s important to be prepared if your email server goes offline. We’ll see how…
How to insert special characters with the keyboard
Have you ever wondered about how to enter special characters from the keyboard? Sometimes when you write a text or an article for your blog…
Dedicated server price
In this article, we will see a dedicated server price and who this service is for. We will see the differences between this type of…
How to install WordPress local
In this article, I will explain how to install WordPress locally, what it means and why it is convenient to install WordPress locally. We will…
Alternative search engine
When we have to do an online search we always tend to choose the most popular search engines. The most selected among all and certainly…
How to use html headings for SEO
The H1 Tag is used to identify the title of the page or an article, we can consider it a header that gives a user…
Social media manager: the definitive guide
The Social Media Manager position was recently established and its emergence is closely related to the spread of social media itself. This profession is seen…
Optimizilla: compress images and photos online
The speed of your website is important, whether you’re using WordPress or other CMS for your website. That’s why, after showing you how to optimize…
504 gateway timeout: how to solve the error
Sometimes trying to get access to a web page does not go as planned. You have probably come across the 504 gateway time-out error and…
Is Woocommerce slow?
How many products can I manage without affecting the performance of WooCommerce ? What if I have a product with many variations? Will everything slow…
WordPress image optimizer: the definitive guide
On SupportHost we focus on the performance of your site, so after explaining how to speed up WordPress this article explains how to optimize images…
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