
cPanel Backup: create and restore backups

cPanel’s backup function enables us to create a full or partial backup of our site. Through this function integrated into the cPanel, we can also restore files and databases starting from partial backups.

cPanel backup: how to obtain a full backup

cPanel provides us with two different functions for backup: Backup and Backup Wizard, the latter is a simplified version of the backup function.

After logging into the panel, scroll down to the File section and click on Backup.

Cpanel Backup

From this section, we can create and download a full backup of the site which will include files, databases, and so on.

Click on Download a Full Account Backup.

Full Account Backup

It will bring us to the full backups section. Above we are shown the Backups available for download, only if we have already generated a backup previously, as in this case:

Backups Aviable

If we click on the backup name (indicated in blue), we can download that full backup to our computer.

In the section below, however, we can generate a new backup. Under Backup destination, there’s a drop-down menu from which to choose where to save our backup.

Generate A Full Backup

By choosing the Home directory, the backup will be saved on the server, which is the option we are interested in using. Otherwise, it is also possible to save the backup on a remote server using the FTP or SCP protocols.

In this case, we must also fill in the fields that will appear with the information necessary to access the remote server.

Full Backup Ftp

In the email address field, we just need to enter our email address. When the backup is ready, we will be notified with an email. If we do not want to receive it, we must select Do not send email notification of backup completion.

Then click on Generate backup.

While the system creates our backup file, we can see the file appear in the list of available backups, but a note next to the file (in progress) indicates that the generation is still in progress.

Backup In Progress

Once the backup is created, we can download it by clicking on the file name that appears in the Backups available for download list, as we have seen before.

cPanel backup: how to make a partial backup

By clicking on Backup from the File section of cPanel, we can also choose to perform a partial backup. The cPanel backup feature allows us to download a backup of files, databases, email forwarders, and email filters.

To download a backup of the files, click on the Home directory, this way, we can download all the files in a .tar.gz archive.

Download Partial Backup

To download the backup of a MySQL database, we have to choose one (in case there is more than one) and click on the name.

Download Database Backup

Restoring a Partial Backup

The cPanel backup feature allows us to restore only partial backups. The full backup can therefore only be used as a backup and not for recovery.

Let’s see how to restore the backup of a MySQL database.

In the section Restore a MySQL database backup, we see a button to choose files. Click on it and select the database backup from our computer.

Restore Mysql Database Backup

Then click on Upload.

Restore Mysql Database Backup Upload

At the end of the restoration, a notice like this will inform us that the operation was successful.

Database Successfully Restored

The same procedure can be performed to restore the other partial backups by uploading the backup files to the appropriate sections.

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