TLD Assigned to Romania
.ro domain registration and transfer
Only 12.00€

Register or transfer your .ro domain
Registrant change
Private WHOIS
Special characters
Transfer times
The transfer occurs as soon as the request is sent.
How to request the transfer
To request a .ro domain transfer, you must submit to SupportHost the auth code of the domain you want to transfer.
What will be the new expiration date after transfer?
Transfer includes one additional year.
E.g. Expiration before transfer: 11/07/2024
New expiration: 11/07/2025
Frequently asked questions
Who can register a .ro domain?
.ro domains can be registered by anybody, individuals or companies, with no restrictions.
Who manages .ro domains?
.ro domains are managed by the RoTLD Registry (
How does whois protection work?
If you registered the domain as a natural person, the domain registration details, including your name and email address, will not be published in the Whois database.
If you register a .ro domain as a company (legal person), you cannot hide personal information and the following details will be displayed in the Whois:
– name
– address
– phone number
– email
What characters are allowed for .ro domains?
To register a .ro domain you can use:
– ASCII characters: digits 0-9, letters a-z and hyphens (-);
– special characters: ă, â, î, ș și ț
– Domains cannot begin or end with a hyphen (-)
How to get your .ro domain for free
With SupportHost, if you purchase a hosting plan with a minimum annual period, the domain is included in the plan if you choose one of these extensions: .com, .it, .eu, .us, .de, .fr, .ch, .es, .li, .be, .cc, .nl, .ro
The domain is free forever as long as you register or transfer the domain with SupportHost.
This promotion applies to all hosting plans with the following exceptions:
– VPS and Magento plans include a free domain for the first year only.
– Dedicated servers and the Magento Pro plan are not included in the promotion.