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Supported scripts on SupportHost

Most of the common scripts are compatible with our hosting services. We offer some hosting services with pre-installed scripts:

Listed below are just a few of the many scripts that are compatible with our hosting.

If the script you want to use is not in the list, no problem. Contact us describing the system requirements of your software, and we will let you know as soon as possible if it is compatible or not with our services.

In case it is not compatible, you can always opt for a VPS cloud hosting or one of our dedicated servers, so you can install all the software you need to run your script on the server. We’ll be able to support you with that.

Main ones include:

Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, Opencart, Prestashop, Magento, phpbb, smf, mybb, moodle.

Supported Scripts On Supporthost

For a complete list:


WordPress, Open Blog, Serendipity, Dotclear, b2evolution, Textpattern, LifeType, Pixie, Nucleus, Chyrp, eggBlog, Nibbleblog, PivotX, Ghost.

Micro Blogs

Sharetronix, StatusNet, PageCookery, Storytlr.


Drupal, Joomla, Concrete5, CMS Made Simple, MODx, Xoops, Zikula, e107, Website Baker, PHP-Fusion, PHP-Nuke, PyroCMS, Pligg, ocPortal, Mambo, Geeklog, Subrion, Contao, sNews, SilverStripe, jCore, Typo3, Open Real Estate, ImpressPages, phpwcms, Silex, ImpressCMS, Quick.CMS, Redaxscript, Saurus, Monstra, Fork, Mahara, Tribiq, Pluck, Pimcore, Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware, BIGACE, Bolt, Croogo, Sitemagic CMS.


phpBB, SMF, MyBB, AEF, Vanilla, PunBB, XMB, FluxBB, Phorum, bbPress, FUDforum, miniBB.

Image Galleries

Gallery, Piwigo, Coppermine, ZenPhoto, TinyWebGallery, phpAlbum, 4images, Pixelpost, Plogger, iGalerie.


MediaWiki, DokuWiki, PmWiki, WikkaWiki.

Social Networking

Dolphin, Oxwall, Jcow, Elgg, Beatz, Etano, PeoplePods, pH7CMS.

Ad Management

OSClass, Noahs Classifieds, OpenX, GPixPixel, OpenClassifieds.


WebCalendar, phpScheduleIt, ExtCalendar, phpicalendar.


BlackNova Traders, Shadows Rising, Multiplayer Checkers, Word Search Puzzle.


phpList, Roundcube, poMMo, SquirrelMail, WebMail Lite, Webinsta Maillist, ccMail, OpenNewsletter.

Polls and Surveys

LimeSurvey, Piwik, LittlePoll, phpESP, Aardvark Topsites, Advanced Poll, EasyPoll, Simple PHP Poll, Open Web Analytics, CJ Dynamic Poll, Logaholic, Little Software Stats.

Project Management

qdPM, Feng Office, eyeOS, Collabtive, dotProject, ProjectPier, Mantis Bug Tracker, PHProjekt, TaskFreak, The Bug Genie, phpCollab, Mound, todoyu, Traq, SiteDove, Eventum, Admidio.


OpenCart, PrestaShop, WHMCS, Magento, AbanteCart, osCommerce, Zen Cart, TheHostingTool, TomatoCart, BoxBilling, Loaded 7, Avactis, Quick.Cart, AlegroCart, CubeCart, Axis, phpCOIN, LiteCart, Open Source Point of Sale, Zeuscart, Blesta.


Vtiger, SugarCRM, Dolibarr, OrangeHRM, FrontAccounting, SimpleInvoices, EGroupware, Tine 2.0, Zurmo, Group Office, X2CRM, webERP, OpenBiz Cubi.

Guest Books

Advanced Guestbook, Lazarus, BellaBook, phpBook, VX Guestbook, PHPKode Guestbook, RicarGBooK.

Customer Support

osTicket, HESK, Open Web Messenger, Help Center Live, phpOnline, iQDesk, Crafty Syntax, Trellis Desk, ExoPHPDesk, phpMyFAQ, Vision Helpdesk, Maian Support, HelpDEZk.


CodeIgniter, yii, Zend, Bootstrap, Laravel, CakePHP, Kohana, Smarty, PHPDevShell, HTML Purifier, PRADO, FuelPHP, WideImage, DIY, Webasyst, UIkit, Symfony.


Moodle, Claroline, Chamilo, eFront, DoceboLMS, ATutor, TCExam, Omeka, Dokeos.

DB Tools

SIDU, phpMyAdmin, MyWebSQL, Adminer, SQLiteManager, Chive, Vty, phpLiteAdmin.


kPlaylist, Podcast Generator, AmpJuke, Impleo.


ClipBucket, VidiScript, videoDB, Prismotube Express, CumulusClips.


Gregarius, Feed On Feeds, selfoss, Tiny Tiny RSS, SimplePie.

File Management

ownCloud, ProjectSend, PHPfileNavigator, Pydio, eXtplorer, Arfooo, LetoDMS, OpenDocMan, eSyndiCat.


Seo Panel, phpFreeChat, WeBid, YOURLS, phpLD, phpFormGenerator, Soholaunch, Form Tools, SPIP, Question2Answer, PASTE, ArticleSetup, PhpGedView, Open Journal Systems, PHP QR Code, jobberBase, Hablator, JoobsBox, Privacy Policy Generator, GLPI, PHPWeby, OpenBiblio, webtrees, Codiad, Open Conference Systems, phpDocumentor, Commentics, XCloner, SVNManager.

Please note that although we support these scripts the use of some of them may violate our terms and conditions or hosting resource limits we set for each account.

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