TLD Assigned to Polonia
.pl domain registration and transfer
Only 21.00€

Register or transfer your .pl domain
Registrant change
Private WHOIS
No special characters
Transfer times
The transfer of .pl domains is completed as soon as you confirm it through the transfer request email.
How to request the transfer
To transfer .pl and domains, you must request the auth code to the current registrar. If enabled, you must disable the domain lock in order to proceed. You can then submit the auth code to us to initiate the transfer.
To initiate the transfer, you will need to confirm the transfer by clicking the link in the email you will receive. Once you confirm, the transfer will be completed. If you do not click the link within 5 days, the transfer will be canceled and you will need to request it again.
You can change the contact email before starting the transfer without any issues (unlike with .com domains, where changing the contact information triggers a 60-day transfer lock).
What will be the new expiration date after transfer?
The expiration is postponed by one year.
E.g. Expiration before transfer: 05/11/2023
New expiration: 05/11/2024
Frequently asked questions
Who can register a .pl domain?
Anyone can register .pl domains.
Who manages .pl domains?
.pl domains are managed by the NASK registry (
How does whois protection work?
Whois protection of .pl domains is available for individuals. If you register the domain as private, your information will not be shown in the public database.
What characters are allowed for .pl domains?
You can only use ASCII characters for registering a .pl domain: digits 0-9, letters a-z and hyphens (-).
To register an IDN domain you must then convert Unicode characters to ASCII. You can find the list of allowed characters in the registration guidelines at