Periodically, we ask for reviews from our customers, some come to us via email and we post them on our website. Others, however, are posted directly by them on third-party websites. Find out what people who are using shared hosting, WordPress hosting and VPS cloud think of us.
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1240 Reviews on external websites
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What our clients say…
Gerlando Termini
Gerlando asked his blog’s readers for a recommendation about an hosting service in Italy. They recommended SupportHost and he gave us a try. Watch what Gerlando thinks about SupportHost and he feels confident enough to recommend us.

Gianpaolo Faccini
Gianpaolo is the owner of a web agency, with clients in Asia, Europe and USA. After trying SupportHost for one of his clients he decided to move as many clients as he could to SupportHost.
Stefano Rizzo
Stefano had a problem with another hosting provider, found SupportHost on Google and decided to try out our service (we offer a 14 days free trial). He liked it, now he activates all his new clients on SupportHost and he’s moving all his “old” clients to SupportHost when he has to renew the hosting contract.

Try us for free and fall in love!
Try our reseller 1 for free for 14 days, no obligation. You can do all the tests you need and if you like the service you can buy a paid plan.
WordPress Hosting
Forget complexity with a truly managed service
Shared Hosting
Everything you need to start off on the right foot
Accelerate your business with multi-domain plans
Manage your clients’ websites from one and intuitive control panel
*The monthly price is calculated if the product is ordered for 3 years